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Food allergies, skin issues and love


If you have a child with allergies, you know it is really hard to give that kid the experience of Easter. Searching for treats that won't provoke a reaction, up and down the aisles and through all the specialty sites online. Dealing with the skin or stomach or mood reactions when your child eats something that they react to. It hurts. It's tiring. and sometimes it seems hopeless.

When my daughter Maddy was little, she had intense and horrible allergies and sensitivities. It stunk that I couldn't find bunnies at Easter for her to eat.

The first ones I made were kind of gross. She was a good sport about it, but it wasn't fun. We persisted, and over time, the chocolates I made for her got better, and better, and finally mmm, delicious.

Now and for years, the chocolate is so good you forget it is without all those extra things like milk powder, sugar, emulsifiers, preservatives, additives of any kind.

What are the ingredients? Simply cacao and honey, for the dark chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies. For the truffles, I add cream coconut manna or nut butter. The flavors are real flavors, like black lava salt, essential oils, and flower flavors. Period.

Where can you find this unusually simple, delicious chocolate? Right here on my website.

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