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Find Your Voice 2024

5 sessions to learn and practice presence, self acceptance, and comfort inside yourself

110 US dollars
Online, zoom link sent before class

Service Description

Standing up and standing out starts on the inside. It's easy to speak up for yourself and your truth when you know where you stand, and it's clear to you yourself what you feel. So we start with body presencing exercises, and getting to know how what you think and feel makes itself felt in your actual body sensations. You know that voice inside your head, the one that cuts you down? The one that sounds a bit like the unkind parent? You can't get rid of it by pushing. You can't get rid of it by wishing or shouting at it. You can soften it, you can replace it with kinder voices, supportive, sweet, loving ones. You can create new habits of thought and state of being. When you do, you can easily speak your own truth. Kirsten has walked this road, and practices these skills daily, so she knows whereof she speaks. Join a small group - max 10 - to be in a kind and gentle space with Kirsten and learn new ways of inhabiting your insides. We will gather each Saturday starting on September 21, at noon Pacific time. This course is online, and the zoom link will be sent to you before class.

Contact Details


418 Madison Street, Centralia, WA 98531, USA

© 2020 Kirsten Sogge

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